The cloud has come to dominate many business software categories, but until recently, enterprise resource planning for manufacturing and product-focused organizations has been a notable laggard. Cloud-based systems can be less costly to operate, perform better, be more secure and shift maintenance and update chores from the IT department to the vendor, freeing IT teams to concentrate on more strategic needs.
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Office of Finance,
Operations & Supply Chain,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
continuous supply chain,
digital finance
Ventana Research recently announced its 2023 research agenda for Operations and Supply Chain, continuing the guidance we’ve offered for nearly two decades to help organizations across industries derive optimal value and improved outcomes from business technology.
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Continuous Planning,
Product Information Management,
Operations & Supply Chain,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
continuous supply chain,
supplier relationship management,
Property Technology,
Continuous Supply Chain & ERP
Ventana Research uses the term “data pantry” to describe a method of data storage (and the technology and process blueprint for its construction) created for a specific set of users and use cases in business-focused software. It’s a pantry because all the data one needs is readily available and easily accessible, with labels that are immediately recognized and understood by the users of the application. In tech speak, this means the semantic layer is optimized for the intended audience. It is...
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Continuous Planning,
Business Intelligence,
Data Management,
Business Planning,
Financial Performance Management,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
continuous supply chain,
data operations,
digital finance,
profitability management,
Analytics & Data,
Streaming Data & Events,
AI and Machine Learning
Kinaxis recently announced it has acquired a Netherlands-based company, MPO, a cloud-based software offering that orchestrates multiparty supply chain execution. The combination is designed to enable Kinaxis to extend its concurrent planning platform to handle core elements of supply chain execution. Kinaxis acquired all the shares of MPO for approximately US$45 million, with some of the final consideration dependent on performance. MPO will continue to operate as a standalone business, but...
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Business Intelligence,
Business Planning,
Operations & Supply Chain,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
continuous supply chain,
AI and Machine Learning
Kinaxis is a sales and operation planning software company headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. Its RapidResponse is an S&OP platform for concurrent planning, designed to integrate an organization’s supply chain planning silos, accelerate planning cycles and optimize supply chain execution to match customer demand.
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Continuous Planning,
Business Planning,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
continuous supply chain
I first wrote about a new era of trade a few years ago to make the point that the period of optimizing supply chains for the lowest cost was over, and that companies needed to redesign them to achieve greater resiliency. That observation proved correct. Now we are hearing about “the end of globalization,” a hyperbolic phrase describing the effects of ongoing changes to the international political order that have been underway for more than a decade. These changes are forcing companies to make...
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Continuous Planning,
Business Planning,
Financial Performance Management,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
continuous supply chain
Several years ago, I noted the importance of gaining resilience in managing supply chains. The world had entered a new era of trade following the financial crisis of 2007, as multilateral relationships were steadily fragmenting. For decades, sourcing and supply chain management was focused almost exclusively on achieving the lowest cost, and the world’s trade environment supported this approach. However, I observed that the new era of trade, supply chain planning and execution, would be more...
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Office of Finance,
Continuous Planning,
Business Planning,
Operations & Supply Chain,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
continuous supply chain
One of the challenges of being a practically minded technology analyst is squaring the importance of “the next big thing” with the reality of what most organizations are doing. For decades it’s been the case that “the next big thing” in the world of information technology is easily several years ahead of where most organizations are in their use of technology. And before most organizations can realize the benefit of some whiz-bang technology, they frequently need to address a range of more...
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Human Capital Management,
Office of Finance,
Business Intelligence,
Sales Performance Management,
Financial Performance Management,
Price and Revenue Management,
Digital Marketing,
Work and Resource Management,
Digital Commerce,
Operations & Supply Chain,
Enterprise Resource Planning,
ERP and Continuous Accounting,
robotic finance,
Predictive Planning,
revenue and lease accounting,
Subscription Management,
intelligent sales,
AI and Machine Learning